Workshops on Sociological Research
The Department of Sociology invites you to its annual Workshop on Sociological Research (WSR) series. These workshops are designed to provide a space for faculty, graduate students, and invited guests to present, discuss and improve in-progress manuscripts that advance sociological knowledge, to facilitate communication and collaboration among faculty, students, and invited guests, and to strengthen the intellectual culture of the community at FAU. The WSR meets several times each semester in the Sociology Department's Conference Room (CU 249) on the Boca Raton campus. Unless otherwise noted, workshop sessions meet from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. For more information on the WSRs, or for access to WSR paper manuscripts, contact Philip Lewin (
Upcoming WSR Events
Sébastien Antoine, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Postdoctoral Fellow, based between Maynooth University (Ireland), the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and the University of Pennsylvania (US).
"Who Are the Workers Behind the Global Tech Industry? Insights into Trajectories, Agencies and Worldviews from Fieldwork in Brazil"
Friday, October 25th, 2:00-3:30 PM, Culture and Society Building, Sociology Seminar Room (CU 249)
Matthew Marr, Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University.
"Equitable Pathways from Unsheltered to Housed in Miami-Dade County."
Friday, November 15th, 2:00-3:30 PM, Culture and Society Building, Sociology Seminar Room (CU 249)
Past WSR Events
Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Philip Lewin, “The Affordable Housing Crisis in South Florida: Insights from the Lake Worth Beach Emergency Housing Study" (4/5/2024)
Annabelle Campbell, "Economic Fascism in the Modern Era: A Case Study of Florida's Live Local Act" (1/26/2024)
Matty Lichtenstein, "The Reconfiguration of American Child Welfare Governance, 1945-1980" (12/11/2023)
Daniel Auguste, "Entrepreneurship Return to Education: How Much Does the Founder's Race Matter?" (11/10/2023)
Phillip A. Hough, “Post-Neoliberal Possibilities: Production, Livelihoods, and Development across the Global Coffee Belt, Second Round of Fieldwork, Central Coffee Highlands, Kenya” (10/2/2023)
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
Yangsook Kim, “Necropolitics of Care: Navigating Publicly Funded Eldercare Jobs in LA’s Koreatown during the Pandemic” (1/27/2023)
Philip Lewin, "Legitimating Rural Corruption: The Cultural Politics of Graft in Central Appalachia" (12/2/2022)
Phillip A. Hough, "Production, Livelihoods, and Development across the Global Coffee Belt: The First Round of Qualitative Fieldwork in Rural Colombia"(10/12/2022)
Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
Phillip A. Hough, Charles Burggraff, Vanessa DeBecze, Sergio Gandia-Vargas, Blake Rubin, “Beyond the Fields: The Politics of Solidarity of the Student Farmworker Alliance” (2/25/2022)
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021
Stephanie Ortiz, FAU Sociology, "Manipulation, Repression, and Everyday Sexism Online" (11/13/2020)
Will McConnell, FAU Sociology, “Social Networks and Disability” (3/5/2021)
Laura Backstrom, FAU Sociology, “Parenting in Place: How Family Social Capital Shapes Childcare Decisions among Rural and Suburban Parents” (4/2/2021)
Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
Philip Lewin, FAU Sociology. "The Visual Injuries of Class: Structural Violence and the Stigmata of Social Suffering" (11/9/2018)
William McConnell, FAU Sociology, "Learning to Cope: Caregiver Education Moderates the Effect of Cognitive Impairment on Depression among Older Adults" (2/1/2019)
Stacy Salerno, FAU Sociology, "College and Familia: Gender Differences in Latinx Students Experiences of Familism" (2/22/2019)
Nik Summers, FAU Sociology, "Are Tiny Homes Evidence of a Changing Geography of Gentrification?" (3/15/2019)
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
Rebecca Hanson, University of Florida, Department of Sociology and Criminology and the Center for Latin American Studies - "Masculinities, Marginality, and Reducing Police Use of Force" (11/3/2017)
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Lotus Seeley, FAU Sociology - "'They Want What They Want When They Want It': Help-Seeking, Face-Saving, and Status at a University IT Help Desk" (3/24/2017) [click on title for access to paper]
Vrushali Patil, Florida International University Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies - "Transnationalizing the Heterosexual Matrix" (4/21/2017)
Ann Branaman and Ashley Ostroot, FAU Sociology - "Precarious Lives: Identity, Agency, and Uncertainty in the Transition to Adulthood" (11/18/2016)
Philip Lewin, FAU Sociology - "Living at the Bottom, Voting for the Top: The Politics of the Rural Poor in Appalachia" (10/14/2016)
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
WSR Spring Series - "Ethnographic Portraits of Social Suffering in the New Millennium: The Intimate Dimensions of Neoliberalism"
Waverly Duck, University of Pittsburgh Sociology - "An Ethnographic Portrait of Drug Dealing and Policing in a Small Black Town" (3/18/2016)
Veronica Zubillaga, Visiting Scholar, Harvard University's Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies - "Political Survival Strategies of Women: Mothers in Contexts of Armed Conflictivity" (4/8/2016)
Randol Contreras, University of Toronto Sociology - "There's No Sunshine: The Intersectionality of Spatial Anguish and Deflections in South Centeral and Compton" (4/22/2016)
WSR Fall Series - "Revisiting Giovanni Arrighi and Beverly Silver's Chaos and Governance in the Modern World-System"
Daniel Pasciuti, Johns Hopkins University's Arrighi Center for Global Studies - "Geopolitics and High Finance, revisited" (9/25/2015)
Sahan Savas Karatasli, Princeton University's Institute for International and Regional Studies - "The Social Origins of World Hegemonies, revisited" (10/16/2015)
Ho-fung Hung, Johns Hopkins University Sociology and Arrighi Center for Global Studies - "Western Hegemonies in World-Historical Perspective, revisted" (11/6/2015)
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015
Phillip A. Hough, FAU Sociology - "Denaturalizing the Market: Primitive Accumulation, Class Reformation, and the Rise of Colombia's Anti-Neoliberal Countermovement" (1/9/2015)
Cristina A. Lucier, Lynn University Sociology, and Brian J. Gareau, Boston College Sociology - "From Waste to Resources?: Interrogating 'Race to the Bottom' in the Global Environmental Governance of the Hazardous Waste Trade" (2/20/2015)
Philip Lewin, FAU Sociology - "'Coal is Not Just a Job, It's a Way of Life': The Cultural Politics of Coal Production in Central Appalachia" (3/10/2015)
Patricia Widener, FAU Sociology - "Undergraduate Research and Inquiry: Climate Change and GMOs as Regional and Social Problems" (4/10/2015)
Emily Cleary and Lacey Langois, FAU Sociology - "Curators of Cool: Creative Tourism and the Gentrification of Wynwood, Miami" (4/29/15)